Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 11
October 27 - 31, 2014

Learning Goals: Analyze supreme court decision regarding Endangered Species Act. Explain role of biodiversity in stability of ecosystem.

Monday - Case study follow up; Introduce endangered species research  project
HW: begin research

Tuesday - Work day: Endangered species project
HW: project due  11/10
NOTE: Wolf Reintroduction paper due by midnight on

Wednesday -  Importance of biodiversity ppt; Begin biodiversity lab
HW: none

Thursday - Complete biodiversity lab; Work on Endangered species project
HW: lab due 11/3

Friday - Work day: Endangered species project
HW: project due 11/10

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week 10
October 20 - 24, 2014

Learning Goals: Examine reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone. Analyze supreme court decision regarding Endangered Species Act.


Monday - Complete biome presentations; Continue Wolves, a Legend Returns to Yellowstone
HW: none  

Tuesday - Complete/discuss video; Work on research for wolves reintroduction essay
HW: none

Wednesday - Work day for wolves research/essay
HW: essay due 10/28 - must use

Thursday -  Endangered species act discussion/ppt
HW: essay due 10/28 - must use

Friday -  Endangered species case study activity
HW: 1 page court ruling

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week 9
October 13 - 17, 2014

Learning Goals: Examine reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone. Investigate abiotic and biotic factors, food webs, and interactions within a biome. 


Monday - Begin video Wolves, a Legend Returns to Yellowstone
HW:  biome project

Tuesday - Present biome projects
HW: none 

Wednesday - Complete presentations and wolves video
HW: research for Yellowstone wolves essay

Thursday - ER 5-8 No Class


Friday - Teacher Work Day - No Class

EXTRA CREDIT: 10 lab points for first two emails with correct answer
how many teeth does an adult grey wolf have and what is the biting pressure of an adult grey wolf in pounds per square inch?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 8
October 6- 10, 2014

Learning Goals: Examine and model the relationship of predators and their prey.Explain why predators are important part of balanced ecosystem. Examine reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone.

Monday - Predator-prey relationships ppt ; Hare and lynx populations graphing activity  
HW: complete activity ?s

Tuesday - Part 2 of Predator-prey lab
HW: lab due 10/9

Wednesday - Begin video Wolves, a Legend Returns to Yellowstone
HW: lab due 10/9

Thursday - Work on wolf research or biome project
HW: biome project due 10/14

Friday - Teacher Convention - No School