Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 7
September 29 - October 3, 2014

Learning Goals: Investigate abiotic and biotic factors, food webs, and interactions within a biome. Examine and model the relationship of predators and their prey.

Monday - Take population count of duckweed; Complete food web activity
HW: duckweed lab due 10/6

Tuesday - Biomes and species interactions; Introduce biome project and work on research
HW: research

Wednesday - Take final count of duckweed; Field trip to Seno Environmental Center
HW: duckweed lab due 10/6

Thursday - Part 1 Predator-prey lab
HW: none

Friday - Work on biome project
HW: project due 10/14

EXTRA CREDIT:  10pts into lab grade for first 2 emails with correct answser
Name the predator that wields the fastest punch in the animal kingdom‚ its clubbed arms reach speeds of 50 mph.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 6
9/22 - 26, 2014

Learning Goals: Explain relationships between limiting factors and population size. Describe methods of estimating population size. Describe how energy moves through an ecosystem. 


Monday - Take population count of duckweed; Limiting factors - density dependent/independent
HW: Lake Winnipeg limiting factors

Tuesday - Prep for Counting Toadstools lab; Complete Estimating population size lab
HW: estimating pop size lab ?s

Wednesday - Complete Counting Toadstools lab
HW: counting toadstools lab write-up due 9/26

Thursday - Food chains and webs ppt
HW: food web wksht

Friday - Take population count of duckweed; Energy flow lab
HW: lab questions 

NOTE: Field Trip Form and Money Due 9/26
Field Trip to Seno Environmental Center is Wednesday, October 1st - Bring a Sack Lunch.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 5

Spirit Week 9/15-19, 2014

Learning goals: Explain relationships between limiting factors and population size. Describe methods of estimating population size.

Monday - Set up population growth and carrying capacity lab
HW: law chart

Tuesday - Population growth ppt
HW: lesson of kaibab graph, law chart

Wednesday - No Class

Thursday - Environmental law quiz; Make duckweed observations; Limiting factors ppt
HW:Lake Winnipeg wksht

Friday - Begin Estimating population size lab
HW: lab questions

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 4
9/8-9/12, 2014

Learning goals: Describe history of US environmental policy and some major environmental laws. Discuss different approaches to environmental policy. Describe levels of ecological organization.

Monday - Discuss history US environmental policy ?s; International environmental policy ppt
HW: environmental policy ?s

Tuesday - Introduce enviornmental legislation project; Research law; prepare 2-3 slide ppt
HW: what’s happening project

Wednesday - Review for test; Work on enviromental law spread sheet
HW: study

Thursday - Ecological levels organization; Abiotic and biotic observations
NOTE: we are going outside - dress appropriately - cooling down! - have a light jacket, hoodie, fleece
HW: study

Friday - Sustainability Unit Test
HW: complete law spread sheet

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week 3
9/1 - 9/5

Learning goals: Describe history of US environmental policy and some major environmental laws. Discuss different approaches to environmental policy.

Monday - No School Labor Day

Tuesday - Present environmentalist biographies
HW: video project 9/4 and topic for what’s happening

Wednesday - History of US environmental policy ppt
HW: questions due 9/5

Thursday - Watch World of 7 Billion videos; International environmental movement ppt
HW: questions due 9/5

Friday - Introduce enviornmental legislation project
HW: law ppt