Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Week 1
8/18-8/22, 2014

Learning Goals: Examine various environmental issues and understand the issues are complex and interrelated. Examine how increases & decreases in certain population trends impact the health and well-being of our global community.

Monday - Go over syllabus, Go over what’s happening current events project, Environmental issues listmania – in groups make lists with topic prompts - discuss
HW: syllabus signatures

Tuesday - Watch The Lorax with DVD question sheet
HW: complete sheet – research Lake Erie

Wednesday - Activity: A Report Card for the Planet – examine and discuss A Quick Trip to 7 Billion Poster 
HW: none

Thursday - Complete discussion of poster, With partner, choose “-“ rating and brainstorm actions to combat
HW: discussion questions

Friday - Introduce World of 7 Billion video project, Begin research and planning
HW: research

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