Friday, August 22, 2014

Week 2
August 25-29, 2014

Learning Goals: Create a short video connecting population growth with a global challenge. Distinguish between ecological and carbon footprint. Describe tragedy of commons. Identify key events in environmental movement.

Monday -Identify key events in environmental movement; World of 7 Billion video project – research and video planning sheet
HW: report card discussion ?s due 8/26, environmentalist presentation due 9/2 and video project due 9/4

Tuesday - Ecological and carbon footprint webquest   
HW: webquest due 8/28

Wednesday - Work Day: environmentalist presentation or video project
HW: environmentalist presentation 9/2 and video project 9/4

Thursday - Tragedy of the Commons Lab
HW: lab write-up due 9/2

Friday - environmental movement timeline activity
HW: environmentalist presentation 9/2 and video project 9/4

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